Women’s Guild Mission
To provide all women with the opportunity to take an active role in the life of St. George Armenian Church, to share in fellowship and service, and to promote the customs, traditions, culture and heritage of our Church.
Our membership is comprised of women of all ages who are dedicated to the faith of their Armenian religion and heritage. The Women’s Guild continues to be the “backbone” of the St. George Parish. The Women’s Guild sponsors many activities throughout the year. They are a vital source of fund-raising to the parish and continue to play an active role in the church’s development and growth. Each individual brings her own special talents to the organization blending with other members to continue to be one of the more important organizations of the present day church.
Major Activities
Fundraising: Poon Paregentan Luncheon & Student Talent Show, Lenten Dinner, Tag Sale, Armenian Food Fest.
Social: December Christmas Party
Cultural: Lenten Dinner Speaker
Service: Coordinate Coffee Hour contributors, Support St. Vartan Camp attendees, Sponsor a child in Armenia through the CASP Children of Armenia Sponsorship program which supports orphans and children at risk and Sponsor a Mitten and Coat Drive to donate to needy students at Hartford’s Kinsella School.
Membership Dues are $20 per year.
2021 Women’s Guild Executive Board
Chairman: Cynthia Messikian
Vice-Chair: Lorina Abalian
Recording Secretary: Virginia Wasynczuk
Corresponding Secretary: Susan Norsigian
Treasurer: Melanie Brown
Advisors: Chris Shooshan, Andrea Karanian