Feeding Faith

feeding 5000

Years ago, an iconic photograph taken by Kevin Carter in 1993 gripped the world’s attention. This haunting image captured a starving Sudanese child’s struggle to reach a feeding center, with a vulture ominously lurking nearby. The photograph sent shockwaves across the globe. Beyond its portrayal of physical hunger, it symbolized a deeper malaise: our collective moral famine. One couldn’t help but wonder: how many unseen children languish beyond the camera’s lens, left to suffer due to global apathy?

With these thoughts, let’s draw our attention to Mark 6:30-44. In this narrative, Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 souls using merely five loaves and two fish. Observing the overwhelming hunger before them, the disciples assumed feeding such a multitude would be an insurmountable task. Their first instinct was to send them away. But Jesus countered this thought, urging, “You give them something to eat.”

The cries emanating from Artsakh today mirror the hunger of those 5,000. An appalling 120,000 lives hang in the balance, threatened by starvation due to a ruthless blockade. Yet, disturbingly, much of the international community remains silent and indifferent. Faced with such a modern-day atrocity, the magnitude of their suffering might cause us to feel powerless, possibly even desiring to avert our gaze.

Yet, as disciples of Christ, silence and inaction are not options. Christ did not merely pray for the hungry – he fed them. Likewise, we are called to engage with the struggles of our brethren in Artsakh, both in prayer and tangible work. By being their voice in a world that often chooses to mute their pleas, we align ourselves with the mission of Jesus.

There might be moments of doubt, moments where we question our capacity to effect change. But it’s pivotal to remember that Jesus used the humble offerings of a young boy’s lunch to feed thousands. No act of love, no gesture of support, is ever insignificant.

What steps can we take? Initiate dialogues, spread awareness, and pray fervently. Allocate whatever resources you possess to bodies that support Artsakh. Be an advocate, raise your voice, and challenge the unsettling silence. Importantly, reach out to your elected officials and representatives, urging them to intervene.

Furthermore, introspect deeply. Examine your daily interactions: are we truly exemplifying Christ’s love? Are we being proactive in quenching both spiritual and physical hunger? More often than not, opportunities to serve are scattered all around us, camouflaged in our routine lives. We need only the eyes to recognize and the heart to act.

In Mark 6, the disciples witnessed that the supply of bread and fish, under Christ’s touch, didn’t diminish. Similarly, our potential to love and serve knows no bounds. It demands only that we challenge our self-imposed limitations and embrace our faith with tenacity.

Remember: Jesus’s actions went beyond merely addressing physical hunger. He illuminated the divine duty we owe to our fellow beings. While the path may occasionally seem fraught with insurmountable challenges, adherence to Christ’s teachings ensures we always find a path. Because when love, faith, and purpose converge, the seemingly impossible becomes achievable. Just as Jesus demonstrated, our collective effort ensures that the bread of humanity, enriched with compassion and benevolence, will never deplete.

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