This week, we commemorate the lives of Saint Hripsime, Saint Gayane, and their faithful companions. These holy figures, strangers to our land, are among the numerous revered Armenian saints who sought solace and shelter from persecution on our Armenian soil. However, their journey didn’t lead them to the safety they might have envisaged. In stark […]

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Growing up in Armenia, beneath the shadow of the Armenian Genocide, was a profound experience for me. Echoes of the past resonated through the stories of my great grandparents, their voices somber as they remembered the family members who were swallowed by the abyss of the massacres. Each April 24th, I watched my entire nation […]

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Beyond Self-Preservation

There are some profound challenges that our parishes are currently confronting. Today, our churches stand at the crossroads of tradition and modernity, struggling to find a way and solution for declining attendance, shifting cultural values, and widening generational gaps. We struggle with making our faith relevant in a world that is increasingly steeped in secularism […]

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The Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the Promised Land was a monumental undertaking, filled with uncertainty and potential danger. As they answered God’s call to leave their homes and familiar surroundings in Egypt, their hearts were probably overtaken by doubts, questions, and worries. The prospect of venturing into a vast, inhospitable desert toward an unknown […]

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Proclaiming Our Faith Through Our Wounds

The Armenian proverb, “Լավ է մարդու աչքը դուրս գա, քան՝ անունը” (It is better for a person to lose his eye than his name) perfectly describes Thomas, as once people believe something about you, it’s hard to change it. Unlike Peter, who denied Christ three times and still became the “Prince of the Apostles,” and […]

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Listening, Learning and Growing Together

Families, communities, empires and our spiritual lives start sinking and drowning in the destructive waters of delusion when they lose touch with reality, when they stop listening, learning from their mistakes and embracing change and growth through dialogue and change. One of the Scripture readings for this Sunday is from the book of Acts, chapter […]

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