Called to Serve

What we probably don’t realize when we pour honey out of a sixteen-ounce jar and enjoy its rich flavors and taste is that it only exists because tens of thousands of bees flew some 112.000 miles in relentless pursuit of nectar gathered from some 4.5 million flowers. Flying themselves to death, each of these bees […]

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Chalk Lines

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” – 1 Corinthians 1:18 Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American on the Supreme Court, had a favorite story he often shared during his talks around the country. It was a […]

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Two Days to Live

The Gospel reading for this Sunday is from the Gospel of St. Mark, chapter 12. It depicts a very hectic day in the life of the Lord, full of controversy and conflict. The religious leaders were determined to challenge and question everything He said and did, refusing to see any hope and holiness in his […]

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Reflection: The Front Camera to Our Souls

Cameras on our cell phones are placed in two locations – front and back, one facing us and the other facing back – the world and everyone else. The front-facing cameras are very basic, primarily used for selfies and video calls. But the back cameras are a totally different story, far more superior and advanced. […]

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Slay the Dragon

If you are a Game of Thrones fan like me, then Sundays are an occasion for double joy. In the morning, we get to attend the Badarak, spend time with our community, and in the evening, we get to enjoy a fresh episode of House of the Dragon – the HBO sequel to the Game […]

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Cross & Marriage

The concepts of a soulmate and perfect marriage, the modern definition and understanding of love as a mere feeling, the idea that we are the masters of our lives and have the power and right to make changes at any moment when things don’t work out the way we expect and desire, are the ingredients […]

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Exaltation of Faith and Fatherland

Following the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord, life in Holy Land was thrown into a dark turmoil marked by uprisings and violent retaliations, death, suffering, occupations, and invasions. During this period, Christians experienced persecution and they saw pagan temples and shrines rise over the holy sites connected to the life and ministry of the […]

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Touch a Life

In today’s Gospel reading, we see our Lord traveling with his disciples to Decapolis. There, some people brought him a person who was deaf and also could not speak. They begged Jesus to lay his hand on him, heal and help the man. The way in which the Lord healed this suffering man is extraordinary […]

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