Prayers in Time of Sickness and Uncertainty
1. Blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive those who are indebted to us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and glory forever. Amen.
2. Hear my prayer, O Lord;
Let my cry come to thee!
Do not hide thy face from me in the day of my distress!
Incline thy ear to me;
Answer me speedily in the day when I call!
—Psalm 102:1-2
3. I plead to you, loving Lord, heal me.
Be life in my death.
Be light in my darkness.
Take away my pain.
—St. Nersess the Grace-filled
4. Heavenly king, my soul is in your hands at all times, and I put my trust in your holy cross. A multitude of saints are my intercessors with you, who are generous toward all. Do not turn your face away from me, for I look to you for protection. Through your precious and holy cross, keep me in peace. Amen
5. Hope of life, hope and sanctuary of salvation, O Lord and Savior Jesus, save me and ease my pain. Loving Lord, hear my prayer through the intercession of your holy and immaculate virgin Mother, and by virtue of your precious and holy Cross. And save me. Amen.
6. Hear my pleas, Lord, through the intercession of the holy
Mother of God. Send down on me your mercy and compassion,
almighty Lord God. Save me and have mercy on me. Amen.
7. Cure me, O Kindness,
Even as you cured the ear of the one who had risen against you.
Take away the whipping winds of death
From this sinner, so that the calm of
Your almighty Spirit might rest in me.
Unto you all glory, now and forever.
8. Accept with sweetness, almighty Lord, my bitter prayers.
Look with pity upon my mournful face.
Dispel, all-bestowing God, my shameful sadness.
Lift, merciful God, my unbearable burden.
Cast off, potent God, my mortal habits.
Spoil, triumphant God, my wayward pleasures.
Dissipate, exalted God, my wanton fog.
Block, life-giving God, my destructive ways.
Undo, secret-seeing God, my evil entrapments.
Fend off, inscrutable God, my assailants.
Inscribe your name on the skylight of my abode.
Cover the roof of my temple with your hand.
Mark the threshold of my cell with your blood.
Imprint the outside of my door with your sign.
Protect the mat where I rest with your right hand.
Keep my cot pure of all seductions.
Preserve my suffering soul by your will.
Steady the breath of life you have given my flesh.
Surround me with your heavenly host.
Post them on watch against the battalion of demons…
For you are glorified above all of your creatures.
Forever and ever. Amen.
9. With every possible facet of the art of healing, Lord Jesus,
Cause of all healthy life,
Mighty heavenly king,
God of all things apprehended by the mind and by the eye,
Join me in the words of the prophet,
“And behold, through this union with you through these words,
Your light shall break forth in me to heal my breath and body,”
You who are mighty and invincible.
Glory and worship to you,
For ever and ever. Amen.
10. Holy Father, true God, cleanse my mind.
Holy Son, true God, cleanse my body.
Holy Spirit, true God, cleanse my spirit.
Most blessed Holy Trinity, cleanse my senses and let me
pray to you as is right.
—Grigor Vardapet Khladetsi Dzerents [1350-1425]