The Parish Council is the governing body elected by the parish members to guide the parish in its spiritual, educational and financial endeavors, in cooperation with the Pastor. Each Parish Council member is expected to serve in the spirit of that responsibility. Each Parish Council member is called to serve God and the Armenian Church as a special assistant to the Pastor and as a representative of the parish congregation. Together they form a team dedicated to the mission of maintaining the church as a source and center of Christian teachings and life. They strive to make the church a place where all Armenian Christians congregate to participate in worship, learning, fellowship and service, and receive spiritual solace, strength, joy, hope, and forgiveness.
Parish Council Responsibilities
Act as custodians of the properties of the Church and together with Parish Priest, shall be in charge of the conduct of the affairs of the Parish.
Work for the preservation and progress of the parish.
Ensure the proper and regular performance of the Church Services.
Meet at a minimum of once a month to conduct the business of the parish.
Carry out the decisions of the Parish Assembly.
Present financial statements to Parish Assembly.
Prepare Annual Budget and submit to Parish Assembly for approval.
Prepare Annual Submission Packets to Diocese in a timely manner.
Monitor income and expenses; attempt to maintain a balanced budget.
Pay bills and other financial obligations in a timely manner.
See that the Church dues and all other income of the Parish are regularly collected.
Establish, supervise and give moral and financial support to the schools of the Parish.
To encourage all educational, benevolent and cultural organizations in the community.
Alternate responsibility for Sunday Chairman of the Day, following published checklist of responsibilities.
Participate in the Divine Liturgy every Sunday.
Attend as many church functions as possible.
One Parish Council member shall be present at all funerals and weddings to supervise proceedings and be of general assistance.
Periodically call a joint meeting of the organizations of the church, to receive their reports, prepare and plan activities, and discuss important matters that may arise.
Ensure that the By-Laws of the Parish are adhered to.
2022-2023 Parish Council
Rev. Fr. Voski Galstyan: Pastor/President
Chairperson: Ira Mahakian
Recording Secretary: Matthew Mardirosian
Treasurer: Melanie Kevorkian Brown
Corresponding Secretary: Angham Zakko
Advisor: Ashod DerAprahamian