kshots St. George Armenian Church CT

Why do we use the kshots?

The liturgical fan that we call the “kshots” in Armenian is also known as the flabellum or rhipidion. It is a round, ornately-embossed plate of silver, bronze or other metal, about twelve or more inches in diameter, with small bells coupled around the perimeter. The disk is attached to the...

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Reflection Prophet Jeremiah

Reflection: Prophet Jeremiah

Today the Armenian Church recalls and celebrates Prophet Jeremiah.   There was a calling, a vocation in the ancient Israel nobody liked or wanted. The lives of the great prophets of God were often filled with rejection, suffering and persecution. This was a vocation, that one could not simply pick...

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candles church

Why do we light candles in the church?

In ancient times candles were used in the church for a very practical reason: to provide light. Adequate lighting was especially important in churches, where the officiants of the liturgy relied on liturgical books to conduct the lengthy worship services. Apart from this strictly functional use, burning candles remind Christians...

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Reflection Oil-bearing women

The Holy Oil-bearing women

Today we celebrate the Oil-bearing women who were the first to witness the resurrection of our Lord. What about this story inspired Armenians so much that they used to name their daughters Youghaper (Իւղաբեր)? What profound lesson and experience does our liturgy offer by celebrating this event not just once...

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