Can people who have been baptized other churches receive Communion in the Armenian Church?
As a general rule, the Armenian Church offers Holy Communion only to those who are baptized members of the Armenian Church or one of the Oriental Orthodox Churches —the Coptic, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Syrian Orthodox or Malankara (Indian) Orthodox Churches. These are our closest sister churches who share with us the...
How is our Badarak different from the Catholic Mass?
The Badarak of the Armenian Church and the Mass of the Catholic Church are two ancient expressions of the Eucharist, the primary Christian sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ at his Last Supper. The service of the Lord’s Supper developed differently in the various eastern and western cultures where Jesus’ apostles...
Reflection on Proverbs 23:15-16 – “my heart will be glad indeed; my inmost being will rejoice”
President Calvin Coolidge was famously known as a man of few words. In fact, his nickname was “Silent Cal.” His wife, Grace Goodhue Coolidge, told the story of a young woman who sat next to her husband at a dinner party. The woman told Coolidge she had a bet with...
Armenia Independence Day
In today’s scripture reading prophet Isaiah reminds us about the power of God’s Word and promises. As unlikely as the circumstances might appear, it will never fail and will always be realized and come true. “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it...
Can the Badarak be shortened?
As the possession of the church, the Badarak can certainly be shortened, expanded or otherwise modified. This would presumably be undertaken by the Catholicos, guided by the wisdom of the synod of bishops and other experts in the history and theology of the liturgy. It must be noted, however, that...